Wednesday, May 26, 2010


So last week's adventure was a doozie. While I am completely comfortable on my bike, I never really realized how utterly afraid I am of the high speeds you can get up to. On my road bike, I white knuckle it down the hill with my breaks on but on a mountain bike, you can't really do that otherwise you just won't make it up the other side of the hill...or shall I say, you can make it up the hill but pushing your bike...forget that!

So we were lucky ladies this week and got some great tips from the guys - Shane and Neil. Thanks guys! We also were fortunate enough to get a new heart rate cool! But there was a trick to that. Shane says "the first three people to cross the pond and back win the monitor". Well, I booked it (had my brand new puma shoes on which were slippery, I might add) and what do you know...I was the third. It felt great because up to that point, I was feeling like a bit of a failure. Then, Shane said he was joking and everyone was getting one but pushed the rest of the group into doing it, too. Let's face it, it will be reality for the chosen-ones...teehee.

I am looking forward to Sunday as it will be paddling. I love canoeing but have to say I am directionally challenged (as if you haven't figured that out by my blogs thus far).

So long for now...if anyone is actually reading this!

Find the strength. Keep the will.


  1. Love reading everyone's blogs :-)
    Thanks again for waiting and helping me out with tips on how to get my bike over the curb (still having trouble with that) on our way back to the car!!!

  2. It just keeps on getting better and better every week. So much fun! Ya, I was like skating on the rocks with my bike shoes...metal clips, and no grip I couldn't get across the rocks. You made it and that's amazing!
